Serving Habersham, White, Rabun, Stephens and Banks Counties
Nurturing Parenting Programs are a family-centered initiative designed to build nurturing parenting skills and positive child-rearing practices. The nurturing philosophy of non-violent parenting focuses on the development of empathy, self-worth, self-awareness, empowerment, discipline with dignity, appropriate roles and age-appropriate expectations of children’s development.
These programs have been adapted for special populations dealing with particular issues such as special learning needs, substance abuse, the military and many more. The Family Resource Center currently offers one Nurturing Parenting Class:
Nurturing Parenting for Families in Substance Abuse Recovery
This intensive 17-week course entitled, “How to Nurture Yourself & Others,” is designed to help families working through substance abuse issues. It brings hope to participants as they learn new skills, beliefs, and strategies during their unique journey. Check our events calendar on our home page to see upcoming classes.