Serving Habersham, White, Rabun, Stephens and Banks Counties
Who Qualifies for Counseling?
Anyone who survived difficult life experiences during their childhood may apply for services. Our team of professional counselors is available to offer free counseling sessions to qualifying adults and children. Below is a list of qualifying childhood adversities:
How to be referred for counseling services:
1. Click the "Find out More" to be connected by email to an intake specialist, who will send the appropriate referral form for you to complete.
2. Upon receipt of the referral, one of our Counseling Intake Specialists will contact you to ask a few questions to best fit you in with one of our licensed therapists. Should our counselors be unable to take on your case, the Counseling Coordinator will refer out to appropriate agencies.
3. Wait to be contacted by your assigned therapist who will schedule your first appointment. Appointments are 50 minutes each.
4. Read through our Welcome Packet to find out about our policies and procedures.
4. Complete the Counseling Intake Forms provided by the intake specialist and bring them with you to your first appointment.
Meet Our Team of Counselors:
The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC), through the Victims of Crime Act, funds our counseling program through a grant program applied for by Prevent Child Abuse Habersham, Inc. Donations and volunteer work help to offset the cash match requirement from this funding source.
To email our counseling intake specialist to do a referral form or ask general questions about our counseling services, click the Find Out More button below.
Family Resource Center of Northeast Georgia's Fillable Referral Form can be filled out and sent to the Counseling Program Coordinator, Megan Funkhouser at